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Дрозофила чернобрюхая (Drosophila melanogaster)

Animal Diversity Web

Drosophila melanogaster has been introduced to every continent of the world with one exception, Antarctica. On other continents its range is limited only by mountain ranges, deserts, and high lattitudes. (Demerec 1950) The natural range of D. melanogaster is throughout the Old World tropics. Humans have helped to spread Drosophila melanogaster to every other location which it inhabits. (Demerec, 1950; Patterson and Stone, 1952)


Drosophila melanogaster lives in a wide range of habitats. Native habitats include those in the tropical regions of the Old World, but the common fruit fly has been introduced to almost all temperate regions of the world. The only aspects that limit the habitats Drosopila melangaster can live in is temperature and availability of water. The scientific name Drosophila actually means "lover of dew", implying that this species requires moist environments.

The development of this species' offspring is extremely dependent on temperature, and the adults cannot withstand the colder temperatures of high elevations or high latitudes. Food supplies are also limited in these locations. Therefore, in colder climates Drosophila melanogaster cannot survive.

In temperate regions where human activities have introduced Drosophila melanogaster , these flies seek shelter in colder winter months. Many times Drosophila can be found in fruit cellars, or other available man made structures with a large supply of food. (Demerec, 1950)

Physical Description

Drosophila mature through complete metamorphosis, as do all members of the order Diptera.

Similar to all insects Drosophila is covered in a chitinous exoskeleton; has three main body segments; and has three pairs of segmented legs.

Adult: The common fruit fly is normally a yellow brown (tan) color, and is only about 3 mm in length and 2 mm in width (Manning 1999, Patterson, et al 1943). The shape of the common fruit fly's body is what one would normally imagine for a species of the order Diptera. It has a rounded head with large, red, compound eyes; three smaller simple eyes, and short antennae. Its mouth has developed for sopping up liquids (Patterson and Stone 1952). The female is slightly larger than the male (Patterson, et al 1943). There are black stripes on the dorsal surface of its abdomen, which can be used to determine the sex of an individual. Males have a greater amount of black pigmentation concentrated at the posterior end of the abdomen (Patterson and Stone 1952).

Like other flies, Drosophila melanogaster has a single pair of wings that form from the middle segment of its thorax. Out of the last segment of its throax (which in other insects contains a second pair of wings) develops a set rudimentry wings that act as knobby balancing organs. These balancing organs are called halteres. (Raven and Johnson 1999)

  • Other Physical Features
  • ectothermic
  • heterothermic
  • bilateral symmetry
  • Sexual Dimorphism
  • female larger
  • sexes colored or patterned differently


Reproduction in Drosophila is rapid. A single pair of flies can produce hundreds of offspring within a couple of weeks, and the offspring become sexually mature within one week (Lutz 1948).

As in all insect species Drosophila melanogaster lays eggs. The eggs are placed on fruit, and hatch into fly larvae (maggots), which instantly start consuming the fruit on which they were laid (Patterson and Stone 1952).

Male flies have sex combs on their front legs. It has been theorized that these sex combs might be used for mating. However, when these combs are removed it seems to have little effect on mating sucess (Patterson, et al 1943). (Lutz, 1948; Patterson and Stone, 1952; Patterson, et al., April 1, 1943)

  • Key Reproductive Features
  • semelparous
  • year-round breeding
  • sexual
  • fertilization
    • internal
    • Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female) 1 weeks
    • Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female)
      Sex: female 7 days AnAge
    • Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male) 1 weeks
    • Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male)
      Sex: male 7 days AnAge


    • Average lifespan
      Status: captivity 0.3 years AnAge


    The behavior of Drosophila melanogater is simplistic. They are easily drawn towards the smell of any food source, and will mate almost indiscriminately with any individual of the opposite sex.

    They have hairs on their backs that are sensitive to air currents; their eyes are sensitive to slight differences in light intensity; and they will instinctively fly away when they sense a shadow or movement (Demerec 1950).

    Drosophila melanogaster also have a propensity to fly towards light. If you culture the flies in a tube it is easily noticable that the flies will migrate towards the side of the tube that is nearest to the brightest source of light (Lutz 1948). (Demerec, 1950; Lutz, 1948)

    Food Habits

    As the name implies, the fruit flies lives primarily on plant material. The adults thrive on rotting plants, and fruits; while eggs are usually laid on unripened/slightly ripened fruit, so by the time the larva develop the fruit will have just started to rot, and they can use the fruit that the egg was laid on as their primary source of nutrition. Drosophila are considered major pests in some area of the world for this reason. (Demerec, 1950; Lutz, 1948; Wilson, October,1999)

    Economic Importance for Humans: Positive

    • Positive Impacts
    • source of medicine or drug

    Economic Importance for Humans: Negative

    Drosophila melanogaster has been known to over winter in storage facilites, where it can consume/ruin vast quatities of food. As stated above, the fruit fly also lays its eggs on unripened fruit, and is considered a pest in many areas. (Demeric 1950, Wilson 1999)

    Conservation Status

    • IUCN Red List No special status
    • US Federal List No special status
    • CITES No special status

    Other Comments

    Drosophila melanogaster has been studied in genetic research laboratories for almost a century. Because the fruit fly has a short lifespan, a simple genome, and is easily made to reproduce in captivity it is a prime canidate for genetic research. (Patterson, et al., 1943)

    In 1910 Thomas H. Morgan used Drosophila to provide the first proof that the chromosomal theory of inheritance is correct. The chromosomal theory of inheritance states that the chromosomes are the carriers of genetic information. Morgan was the first to use Drosophila in genetic reasearch.

    In 1913 H. Sturtevant, a student of Morgan created the first genetic maps using Drosophila melanogaster . Since that time the simple genome of Drosophila melanogaster has become very well known, allowing for much of the progression of genetic research.

    Drosophila is also widely used by students of biology. (Raven and Johnson 1999) (Patterson, et al., April 1, 1943; Raven and Johnson, 1999)


    Sara Diamond (editor), Animal Diversity Web.

    Conrad Miller (author), Southwestern University, Stephanie Fabritius (editor), Southwestern University.



    Living in Australia, New Zealand, Tasmania, New Guinea and associated islands.

    World Map


    living in sub-Saharan Africa (south of 30 degrees north) and Madagascar.

    World Map


    living in the Nearctic biogeographic province, the northern part of the New World. This includes Greenland, the Canadian Arctic islands, and all of the North American as far south as the highlands of central Mexico.

    World Map


    living in the southern part of the New World. In other words, Central and South America.

    World Map


    living in the northern part of the Old World. In otherwords, Europe and Asia and northern Africa.

    World Map


    living in landscapes dominated by human agriculture.

    bilateral symmetry

    having body symmetry such that the animal can be divided in one plane into two mirror-image halves. Animals with bilateral symmetry have dorsal and ventral sides, as well as anterior and posterior ends. Synapomorphy of the Bilateria.


    Found in coastal areas between 30 and 40 degrees latitude, in areas with a Mediterranean climate. Vegetation is dominated by stands of dense, spiny shrubs with tough (hard or waxy) evergreen leaves. May be maintained by periodic fire. In South America it includes the scrub ecotone between forest and paramo.


    having a worldwide distribution. Found on all continents (except maybe Antarctica) and in all biogeographic provinces; or in all the major oceans (Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific.


    active at dawn and dusk

    1. active during the day, 2. lasting for one day.

    a substance used for the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease


    animals which must use heat acquired from the environment and behavioral adaptations to regulate body temperature


    union of egg and spermatozoan


    forest biomes are dominated by trees, otherwise forest biomes can vary widely in amount of precipitation and seasonality.


    an animal that mainly eats fruit


    An animal that eats mainly plants or parts of plants.


    having a body temperature that fluctuates with that of the immediate environment; having no mechanism or a poorly developed mechanism for regulating internal body temperature.

    internal fertilization

    fertilization takes place within the female's body


    referring to animal species that have been transported to and established populations in regions outside of their natural range, usually through human action.


    having the capacity to move from one place to another.

    native range

    the area in which the animal is naturally found, the region in which it is endemic.

    oceanic islands

    islands that are not part of continental shelf areas, they are not, and have never been, connected to a continental land mass, most typically these are volcanic islands.


    found in the oriental region of the world. In other words, India and southeast Asia.

    World Map


    reproduction in which eggs are released by the female; development of offspring occurs outside the mother's body.


    rainforests, both temperate and tropical, are dominated by trees often forming a closed canopy with little light reaching the ground. Epiphytes and climbing plants are also abundant. Precipitation is typically not limiting, but may be somewhat seasonal.

    scrub forest

    scrub forests develop in areas that experience dry seasons.


    offspring are all produced in a single group (litter, clutch, etc.), after which the parent usually dies. Semelparous organisms often only live through a single season/year (or other periodic change in conditions) but may live for many seasons. In both cases reproduction occurs as a single investment of energy in offspring, with no future chance for investment in reproduction.


    reproduction that includes combining the genetic contribution of two individuals, a male and a female


    living in residential areas on the outskirts of large cities or towns.


    that region of the Earth between 23.5 degrees North and 60 degrees North (between the Tropic of Cancer and the Arctic Circle) and between 23.5 degrees South and 60 degrees South (between the Tropic of Capricorn and the Antarctic Circle).


    Living on the ground.


    the region of the earth that surrounds the equator, from 23.5 degrees north to 23.5 degrees south.

    tropical savanna and grassland

    A terrestrial biome. Savannas are grasslands with scattered individual trees that do not form a closed canopy. Extensive savannas are found in parts of subtropical and tropical Africa and South America, and in Australia.

    A grassland with scattered trees or scattered clumps of trees, a type of community intermediate between grassland and forest. See also Tropical savanna and grassland biome.

    A terrestrial biome found in temperate latitudes (>23.5° N or S latitude). Vegetation is made up mostly of grasses, the height and species diversity of which depend largely on the amount of moisture available. Fire and grazing are important in the long-term maintenance of grasslands.


    living in cities and large towns, landscapes dominated by human structures and activity.

    year-round breeding

    breeding takes place throughout the year


    Demerec, .. 1950. Biology of Drosophila . New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc..

    Lutz, F. 1948. Field Book of Insects . New York, NY: G. P. Putnam's Sons.

    Manning, .. Nov 20, 1999. "The Drosophila Virtual Library" (On-line). Accessed February 16, 2000 at http://ceolas.org/fly/.

    Patterson, J., W. Stone. 1952. Evolution in the Genus Drosophila . New York: Macmillan Co..

    Patterson, J., R. Wagner, L. Wharton. April 1, 1943. The Drosophilidae of the Southwest . Austin, TX: The University of Texas Press.

    Raven, . .. Johnson. 1999. Biology, Fifth Ed. . Boston: WCB/McGraw-Hill.

    Wilson, .. October,1999. "Fruit Fly(Drosophila)" (On-line). Accessed February 16, 2000 at http://agri.gov.ns.ca/pt/hort/organic/ptor9705.htm.

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    Дрозофила чернобрюхая (Drosophila melanogaster)

    Дрозофила чернобрюхая ( Drosophila melanogaster ), чаще называемая плодовой мушкой, является одним из самых широко растпространённых и по-своему удивительных насекомых.

    Это мелкая мушка (отряд Двукрылые, Diptera, семейство Плодовые мушки, Drosophilidae ), длиной от 1 до 3 мм (самки крупнее и толще), с красными глазами, полосатой верхней и светлой нижней стороной брюшка. Своё видовое название "melanogaster" мушка получила за то, что у самцов задний конец брюшка покрыт тёмными волосками, и поэтому кажется почти чёрным. В целом же насекомое производит впечатление бурого или каштанового (окраска у различных форм может заметно различаться - от чёрной до практически белой).

    Дрозофилы - одни из самых "скороспелых" насекомых: при 25 градусах жизненный цикл мушки (от яйца до яйца) оставляет около 10 дней. При понижении температуры скорость развития, разумеется, заметно снижается - при 18 градусах это уже 20-25 дней. Яйца развиваются около суток, затем из них выходят червеобразные личинки, не имеющие дифференцированной головы и каких-либо внешних придатков, только выступающие вперёд тёмные челюсти. Личинки при 25 градусах развиваются в течение пяти дней, за это время дважды линяя, а затем ещё столько же дней проводят в своеобразной куколке - пупарии, свойственном большинству Двукрылых. После окукливания, во время которого происходит удивительное превращение кожно-мускульного мешка, заполненного кишечником, который представляет собой личинка, во взрослое сложно устроенное насекомое, самка уже через 12 часов способна спариваться и откладывать яйца.

    В старых справочниках нередко встречаются упоминания, что если бы потомство одной пары дрозофил не погибало в течение одного года, их хватило бы для того, чтобы образовать сферу диаметром от Земли до Солнца, если расположить мушек по её периферии в один слой (на этот счёт существует много мнений). Также можно встретить утверждения, что масса этих мушек-потомков могла бы превысить массу всего человечества, взятого вместе. Насколько эти утверждения верны, проверить вряд ли кто-то возьмётся, но то, что прирост численности эта мушка даёт огромный, несомненный факт.

    Точно установить родину этого насекомого невозможно, поскольку сегодня мушка распространена практически по всему миру в областях с умеренным, субтропическим и тропическим климатом, где произрастают цветковые растения, образующие сочные, богатые сахарами плоды. Взрослые мушки питаются продуктами брожения плодов и сахарами, а личинки - микроорганизмами, разлагающими гниющие фрукты. Сами по себе они обычно не едят свежую фруктовую мякоть, как многие думают, хотя способны какое-то время питаться за счёт сахаров. Однако их размножение и выделение метаболитов ускоряет гниение плода, что приводит к его быстрой порче и массовому размножению сперва бактерий и грибков, а за ними и мушек.

    Дрозофилы - излюбленные объекты исследования генетиков всего мира. Многие законы фундаментальной генетики были открыты или подтверждены при помощи этих двукрылых созданий. Благодаря высокой скорости размножения (в год можно получить более 36 поколений) мушки позволяют ставить довольно сложные эксперименты в относительно короткие сроки. Кроме того, дрозофилы благодаря сравнительной сложности своего строения имеют большое количество признаков, кодируемых всего в четырёх (!) хромосомах, из которых три являются аутосомами (общие у самцов и самок), и ещё одна - половая (X\Y). Впрочем, третья аутосома чаще всего точковидная, ДНК в ней немного, и иногда генетики вообще не принимают её во внимание.

    Таким образом, дрозофила является "воплощением мечты" генетика. Благодаря высоким темпам размножения и большой численности потомства мушки накапливают большое количество мутаций, которые можно индуцировать и икусственно, например, гамма-облучением родителей. Таким образом генетики вывели множество линий дрозофилы - бескрылых, черноглазых, чернокрылых, различной окраски и т.д. А в последние два десятка лет генетики научились путём трансгенеза выводить мушек с особыми свойствами, например с флуоресцирующими в ультрафиолете тканями или отдельными органами, или с необычным метаболизмом. Это здорово облегчает исследование многих вопросов как фундаментальной генетики, так и энтомологии и даже этологии (науки о поведении животных).

    Кстати, о поведении: мушки отличаются довольно сложными брачными ритуалами, кроме того их поведение в последние годы стало предметом пристального изучения энтомологов.

    Другое дело, что несмотря на столь активное исследование мушек с самых разных сторон, далеко не всегда результаты этих исследований можно экстраполировать даже на другие систематические группы насекомых, не говоря уж о позвоночных животных. Например, результаты недавних исследований механизма распознавания вкуса у дрозофил совем не обязательно должны соответствовать таковым, скажем, у стрекоз или перепончатокрылых.

    Значительно более серьёзна роль дрозофилы в экосистемах Земли. Из-за своего размера эти мушки часто становятся пищей большого количества мелких существ - от пауков и хищных насекомых до мелких рептилий (для птиц и млекопитающих дрозофилы всё-таки мелковаты). Кроме того, лишь узкому кругу специалистов известно о существовании насекомых, паразитирующих на плодовых мушках - а таких видов должно быть довольно много. Недавно расплодившиеся крохотные наездники (по облику похожи на Trichogramma, но вряд ли это именно они) начисто уничтожили мушек в одном из моих культиваторов. Несомненно, подобное гораздо чаще случается в естественных условиях.

    Благодаря своему огромному потенциалу размножения плодовая мушка стала одним из основных кормовых объектов в террариумистике, особенно в двух её направлениях - содержании лягушек из семейства Dendrobatidae (Древолазы) и выкармливании молодняка различных мелких видов амфибий и рептилий.

    Дрозофил разводят во множестве, в основном предпочитая нелетающую форму: её проще поймать животным. Культуру бескрылой мушки террариумисты позаимствовали у генетиков, но если для последних важна чистота культуры, а не число особей, то террариумисты по понятным причинам стремятся к массовому разведению. Генетики применяют особые питательные среды, содержат насекомых при стабильной температуре и содержат линии мушек в исключительно генетически однородном состоянии, тщательно выбраковывая особей с любыми отклонениями. Террариумистам же важнее, чтобы мушка плодилась и не летала.

    Летающие (дикие) дрозофилы обычно крупнее и активнее своих культивируемых сородичей, однако способность к полёту делает их не самыми удобными питомцами. В то же время есть все основания полагать, что "дикие" мушки полезнее и питательнее своих "домашних" собратьев. Поэтому дрозофил разводят в качестве живого корма не только дендробатоводы, но и аквариумисты, желающие подкормить своих питомцев живыми кормами. Некоторые виды аквариумных рыб вообще почти невозможно содержать без подкормки мушками или соразмерными им насекомыми (например, мальков рыб-бабочек рода Pantodon). Для того, чтобы избежать массового разлетания мушек (какое-то количество при отлове всегда удирает, несмотря на все ухищрения), придумано много занятных спообов. А обездвиживают мушек обычно охлаждением. Для рыб, которые берут неподвижную добычу с поверхности, мушек обычно кладут в морозилку на несколько минут и потом высыпают в аквариум. Живых мушек надо охлаждать в холодильнике, но это не особенно эффективно - за считанные секунды крохотные тела насекомых прогреваются и мушки снова "становятся на крыло". С бескрылыми этот процесс упрощается до простого высыпания мушек в аквариум прямо из культиватора.

    Аквариумные рыбы при такой живой подкормке активно набирают цвет, а потомство их получается более здоровым и крепким.

    Для террариумиста важно гарантированно получить большое количетво дрозофил в кратчайшие сроки, и приэтом сохранить у мушек отсутствие крыльев (или хотя бы отсутствие спообности к полёту). Второе требование относительно легко достигается предотвращением доступа к культуре диких летающих мушек. А вот массовое разведение нередко вызывает у любителей определённые сложности, чаще всего сводящиеся к неумению правильно приготовить питательную среду для мушек. Я долгое время успешно разводил и крылатых, и бескрылых дрозофил, и в отдельном материале обобщил полученный опыт массового разведения плодовой мушки. Надеюсь, эти простые рекомендации окажутся полезными многим новичкам.

    Продолжение следует.

    Фото Tasha.
    Краснодар, 01 декабря 2012 г.

    Drosophila Melanogaster – A Simplified Explanation

    Drosophila Melanogaster are now referred to as the common term “fruit flies” or “vinegar fly”. Although they may seem to just be a nuisance, they are the most widely studied and researched bug in the world. Major fields of study include microbial pathogenesis and genetics. One of the primary reasons why fruit flies are so widely studied is due to their extremely fast breeding rate. Since a entire new generation of fruit flies can come into existence in less then 170 hours, it is no wonder that they are examined closely. Before you continue, I just want to warn you that this is a rather scientific explanation on fruit flies and may be a little hard to understand. I will however, try and keep it as simple as possible and when it really comes down to it, its really not that hard if you put your mind to it. This information is extremely useful for school or even university projects and many people have used it for that exact purpose. If you are simply looking to remove fruit flies, check out this fruit fly trap remedy that works well.

    What Is a Drosophila Melanogaster?

    Picture of the life cycle of drosophila melanogaster

    Life Cycle of Drosophila Melanogaster

    Frequently referred to as a fruit fly, it is usually found flying around your fruit bowel, especially if the fruit has been there for a long time. They are usually about 0.3cm long and although they are a huge frustration for us, as previously mentioned they are a huge part of biological research in most laboratories that focus on genetic research. In fact, recent studies show that there are over 7000 scientists that study this bug worldwide as a fulltime job. In fact, research made on the fruit fly and how it has helped improve our understanding of genetics earned a Nobel prize in medicine in the 1990’s.

    Without going into any huge technical detail, the average fruit fly has just under 15 nucleon separations before the embryo is formed. It is during these separations that genetic scientists are able to make their modifications to the DNA structure. Compared to other insects, the fruit fly gene pattern is one of the most widely understood due to the extensive studies conducted on the insect. As a result, this allows precise modifications to be made with a very good survival rate. Once these basic functions are complete, the fly hatches into a larvae form. At this point, all genetic modifications must have been made.

    While in this form, small discs form within the larvae. This creates the basic structure of the fruit fly and these discs mimic the genetic code that was formulated (and potentially scientifically modified) while still in the egg. Once they are in the metamorphosis stage, the fruit fly is build around these structures to give each fly a unique characteristic while still maintaining the basic shape of a regular fruit fly.

    The Fruit Fly Genome

    What exactly is a Genome? Well, it’s the biological map that is contained within the DNA of every living thing on this planet. They all form part of what makes up a unique gene pool. When it comes to fruit flies, each genome contains over 13 000 genes. In order to manipulate the gene structure of the fruit fly, they need to be sequenced and this process is almost complete. In fact, scientists have already been able to make hundreds of successful modifications to the genes of fruit flies.

    Another very interesting fact about fruit fly DNA is that the genes have an almost identical match to many well known human diseases much as Alzheimer’s and Diabetes. This allows scientists to study the formulation of these diseases in an attempt to find possible cures. Fruit fly genetics research has been extensive and has contributed to much about what is known about genetic modification. Charles W. Woodworth pioneered this movement and was the first one to start breeding fruit flies in huge numbers in order to conduct research on them. It was in his laboratories that the first fruit fly gene mappings took place and these chromosomes (groups of genes) have been used ever since (and improved upon of course – also known as Drosophila Melanogaster Sexing)

    Drosophila Melanogaster Polytene Chromosomes

    In order to increase cell volume during the initial stages of development, the DNA replicates multiple times but does not increase cell division. This usually results in a rather large DNA “membrane” that can be viewed using a microscope. In addition, this membrane that is formed has specific patterns that mimic that of a bar code that you would find on various clothing at shopping centers. Using this “bar-code” as a reference, genetic scientists are able to easily identify various parts of the Polytene Chromosomes and map out the gene makeup of the fruit fly. This can be used for the basis of genetic alternation.

    Drosophila Melanogaster Model Organism

    As previously mentioned, the fruit fly gene is studied extensively in genetics. Why is that so? Here are a few reasons why scientists use the fruit flies DNA as a model for genetic research.

    1. Fruit flies breed quickly and cost almost nothing to grow thousands at a time in a controlled environment. In addition, the female fruit flies lay up to 400 eggs every 16 days or so which helps the population grow quickly.
    2. Its easy to accelerate their growth (from egg to larvae for example) by introducing heat. This can reduce the egg stage of the fruit fly development to as little as 7 days.
    3. The fruit flies have very large chromosomes (part of the DNA membrane) that can easily be studied via a microscope and mapped into specific gene characteristics. This allows for easy manipulation of the Drosophila Melanogaster genes and this is the reason for the thousands of fruit fly species we have in the world today, despite there only being a couple hundred initially in nature.
    4. The gene was mapped in the year 2000 which allows scientists to genetically modify the fruit fly with a very high success rate. This ability has fast tracked many genetic research projects as scientists have a base from which to work.

    Drosophila Melanogaster Anatomy

    Picture of Drosophila Genetics

    Drosophila Genetics

    Regular fruit flies have red eyes and their bodies are generally a mixture between brown and yellow. Their general length is about 0.3cm. Usually the male fruit flies have a slightly darker body then the females. Another characteristic of the male fruit fly is a larger black spot on the abdomen, as shown in this picture. (the male is on the far left). As you can see, the male fruit flies are also slightly smaller then the females which is rather unusual in nature. While mating, the male fruit fly attaches himself to the female with very small hair like bristles before inseminating his target.

    Since fruit flies have had their genes mapped out, there are thousands of species in the world today whereas initially, there were only a couple hundred. These genetic mutations have resulted in rather odd looking wing formations and other changes in the fruit flies color and body structure. If you would like a simpler explanation on where do fruit flies come from in the house, you can follow that link for an easier guide.

    Drosophila Melanogaster Mutation and Phenotype

    The instructions that are used to build any living thing is precisely mapped out in its DNA, kind of like a blueprint that may be used by an architect to build a complex structure. The blueprint does not contain just one type of information but rather contains all the instructions needed for all aspects of the building. Likewise, each part or structure of the fruit fly has its own chromosomes (a group of genes) in the DNA which is used to construct its unique characteristics.

    Picture of drosophila melanogaster mutations

    Drosophila Melanogaster Mutations and Sepia

    If the architect of a building introduced a weakness in the structure, the entire building will suffer as a result. Likewise, each gene in each chromosome (contained within the DNA) must work together if the fruit fly is to survive. This is why altering the genetic makeup of a living thing is dangerous and often results in its death. With fruit flies however, the gene sequence has been mapped in its completion and as a result, scientists can make adjustments with a very high survival rate. I am not suggesting that the genetic mutation is always beneficial to the bug but at least it doesn’t die from the adjustments. Sometimes, genetic manipulation can even be beneficial for the species, as it can fix deformities such as flightless fruit flies and other things like that. However, the process of genetic alteration doesn’t often go down well with the general community as many feel that they are “playing God”. I always argue the fact that they are not creating new life forms but rather are just making modifications to existing ones. But that is just my personal opinion on the matter and you are feel to have your own point of view.

    What Do These Fruit Flies Eat?

    Fruit flies typically feast on rotten fruit (hence their name) but are also often found on old vegetables and other food. They have a highly trained sense of smell and are attracted to sugary substances. Female fruit flies usually eat more often then their male counterparts since they are expected to lay over 300 eggs when they reproduce. However, both the male and female fruit flies typically have a rather small calorie intake (in relation to their size) due to the high levels of sugar present in their food.

    Fruit Fly Characteristics and Traits

    Typically, fruit flies are very active for an hour or so before resting. This process repeats itself over a 24 hour period with no long periods of sleep. This is known as the fruit flies activity rhythm. Each fruit fly has what is known as a “biological clock”, something that is present in humans. This allows them to perform activities at the exact same time each day, something that is critical for feeding and breeding.

    Further studies on their characteristics show that fruit flies even have traits like courtship (between the male and female fruit fly), pain and even possess the ability to learn. Genetic scientists are able to learn this but isolating the gene responsible for these characteristics.

    Another interesting trait is that during courtship, the male fruit flies actually sing to the females by rubbing their wings together. This creates a low frequency sound that attracts the females of a similar genetic makeup. This ensures that only compatible pairs mate. Getting rid of fruit flies can be challenging, check that post to find out more information.

    Drosophila Melanogaster Eye Color

    The two main types of eye color are created using two different pathways, the Drosopterin pathways is responsible for creating the red color, whereas the ommochrome pathway is responsible for the creation of the brownish colors. Scientists have been able to manipulate this gene pathway and create different colors. Examples of this were shown in the pictures above (black, orange, etc.).

    Fruit flies have played a major part in the advancement of genetic research. In fact, without the help of these fruit flies, the speed in which we have come to understand other parts of genetics (including humans) would have been severely reduced. So although they might be very frustrating for you, just remember that they serve a very important role in science. I hope that this has been informative and I would like to thank you for taking the time to read my article on the amazing facts about the Drosophila Melanogaster. 🙂

    Hello! My name is Natasha, and I have been helping people with their insect problems since 2012. I have published a book, worked with many pest control companies, and helped thousands with various infestations on a one-to-one basis. My goal for this blog is to create evidence-based guides that are easy to understand, provide sufficient depth and can be trusted to be very accurate. Please remember that my guides are for informational purposes only, and that you agree to the terms of use when reading content on this website. If you leave a comment, I typically respond within 48 hours.


    • https://animaldiversity.org/accounts/Drosophila_melanogaster/
    • https://dombezkluchey.ru/slime_scales_and_chitin/drosophila-melanogaster.html
    • https://www.thebugsquad.com/fruit-flies/drosophila-melanogaster/